How To Order

1. Begin by clicking one of the "View Your Portraits" buttons on the site.

2. Enter your groups Gallery Password and click
If you don't have your password check the FAQ,
Frequently Asked Questions to find out how to get it.

3. A pop up window will tell you that ordering is open for a Limited Time this year.
There is a count down clock is at the top of the gallery and order pages.
Ordering for your group is open for two weeks and then will close for the school year.
We then complete the orders and deliver them to your student at school. Normal delivery is in 6 to 8 weeks from the beginning of the ordering period.

Notice the countdown clock at the top
4. On the Galleries page you'll find the pictures of everyone in your group listed alphabetically by first name. Find your gallery and click on it.

5. Put your student's first and last name in the top line of the popup window. This attaches their name to this viewing session and will show in the shopping cart if you place an order. When you are ordering for more than one student put their name or names in the second line of the popup.

6. To preview your portraits click on one of the thumbnail images. If you have more than one student you can click on the box above to switch between galleries.

7. In the preview window you can switch between poses with the little white > on each side. The portrait file number is under the image. The X at the top exits the preview.
Our copyright watermark across the preview will not appear on anything you order.

8. To start your order click the "Select" button on the item you want.

9. Now select the pose. Click on the "Choose Photo" box.

10. Click on the pose you want.

11. If you loaded the wrong pose you can click Change Photo and pick again. If you want more than one of the item change the Quantity. Then click Add to Cart.
Repeat steps 8-11 for each item you want.
When you're ready, click the "View Cart" button at the bottom of the page.
"For Families with Multiple Students"

To add your other students, click on the box above the preview thumbnails. Scroll through the list. Click on your next student's name to load their previews. Repeat steps 6-11 to add them to your order.
When you're ready, click the "View Cart" button at the bottom of the page.

12. In the cart, review your order.
If you need to edit the name of the student attached to this session click the little pen and paper icon on the left to open the form again. When you're ready, click "Checkout"

14. Enter your name as it appears on your credit card and enter your card information. Click the "Complete Order" button.
13. Enter your information. Your email will only be used to send you information on this order (including the link for any digital portrait download). You will only be called if there is an issue with your order.
Carefully enter your shipping address. If your billing information is different, check the box on the lower left to open the billing information form.
When you're ready click the "Continue to Payment Method" button at the bottom.

15. Its the finish line. Click the "Complete Order" button to submit your order.

16. Your order is complete. Here is your order number. Click the "Download Receipt " to have a copy downloaded. Click the "View Order and Downloads" button to view your receipt and download your Digital Download files if they were part of your order.
And you're done.
Thank you for your order.
For those that have Digital Downloads as part of their order.

In the "Order and Downloads" you'll see a copy of your order. Your downloads are in the blue box with the "View Digital Downloads" button. If you don't see it please refresh the page. Click the button.

Here is your digital download portrait file or files (depending on your order). Click the "Download" button then the "Accept and Download" button to acknowledge the portrait file has a copyright. The image file will download on your devise.
We hope you, your friends and family will enjoy your portraits