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How do I find my portraits?You can click on any of the blue "View Your Portrait" buttons on the site. There's one on this page. It will take you to the Group Gallery login page. Enter your Gallery Password to login, then scroll to find your portrait. Click on your portrait to see all your images. Each school has a three week period to view portraits and place orders. After that ordering is closed for this school year.
What do I do if I don't have my groups "Gallery Password" to see my portraits?"You need the gallery password to log in. It was on the back of the postcard we sent you. If you didn't receive the postcard, you can get the password from your instructor or another student in your group. The password is unique to each group, not individual. Each school has a three week period to view portraits and place orders. After that ordering is closed for this school year.
why can't I log in with the gallery password?1. If you enter your gallery password and you receive "An event with code (your password) could not be found" you may need to check that you have the correct password. (check with another student in your group or the instructor. The password is the same for the whole group) 2. You may have missed the ordering deadline for this year. The order period is limited to 3 weeks so we can then fill the orders and deliver them to school within the 6 to 8 week delivery deadline.
What is that written across my portraits in the gallery and will it be on my portrait prints?That's our copyright watermark. It only appears in the gallery. It won't be on anything you order.
Can I order more than one pose in a package?Each package is printed from a single pose. You can order additional packages with the same or a different poses. Remember poses for our portrait packages are retouched. Each school has a three week period to view portraits and place orders. After that ordering is closed for this school year.
Who selects my student's pose for the group composite?CG Photo chooses the pose for the group composite. This makes receiving your order faster.
How and when will I receive my portrait order?The finished prints will be delivered to your student at school. Normal delivery is 6 to 8 weeks from the beginning of your groups ordering period.
How do I get my Digital Download portrait?The Free Digital Download is available for each Portrait Package purchased. If you ordered a package but didn't download your portrait file at the end of the order there are a few ways to get to your download. Each way takes you to the online receipt with the digital download link in the light blue box at the top. Click the green "View Digital Downloads" button to go to your download. 1. DOWNLOADED RECEIPT: If you downloaded your receipt there is a QR code in the bottom corner. Scanning it takes you to the online receipt. 2. EMAILED RECEIPT: If you received an email receipt click on the green "View Order Online" button. It takes you to the online receipt. 3. LINK WITH ORDER #: If you made a copy of your order number you can add it to the end of: Example: If your order number was 555-555-OXPR then would take you to your online receipt.
I received my order, do I have all my prints?Each packages is printed from 1 pose and has a free digital download of that pose. Package A has 2-5x7s and 8 wallets Package B has 4-5x7s and 8 wallets Package C has 1-8x10, 2-5x7s and 8 wallets Package D has 2-8x10s, 2-5x7s and 8 wallets The Group Composites is printed on 1-8x10 (very large groups are printed across 2-8x10s)
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